
Membership Information

Who Can Join?
Any active member of the WSBA may join the RPPT Section at any time. Inactive members and non-members of the WSBA are welcome to join and participate as "subscribers."

What is the Cost?
If you are a member of the WSBA, you pay the lawyer membership fee, currently $25 per year in 2014 - subject to change in future years. If you are not an attorney in the state of Washington, you may join as a subscriber to our newsletter, at the same per year rate.

How Do I Join?
Section membership coincides with the WSBA and section fiscal year and covers the period from October 1 to September 30 of each year. Current section members receive a renewal invoice on October 1st. You may also join a section at any time during the year.

Sign-up online.
Once you have paid your membership/subscription dues, you will be added as a member of the RPPT Section and will begin receiving our newsletter and other information about section activities.
To request additional section information, please contact:

WSBA Service Center
Washington State Bar Association
1325 Fourth Avenue, Suite 600
Seattle, WA 98111-2539
Phone: 800-945-WSBA/ 206-443-WSBA
Fax: 206-727-8316

This website is a service of the Real Property, Probate and Trust Section of the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA). The WSBA is not responsible for the operation or content of this website. All opinions and comments on this website represent the views of the contributors and do not necessarily have the endorsement of the WSBA nor its officers or agents. A link to the WSBA’s website is provided as a convenience to members of the public and the WSBA.